Oracle of Bones
Oracle of Bones
3 Sessions, 90-120 Minutes Each
A Personal Divination System for Witches, Poets, and Dreamers
Initiation means to begin. When the shadows of summer come for us, our memories of our many descents and risings become muse. We seek the symbols that mark our personal myths. We collect our bone wisdoms, those deep truths that seem to echo in our depths. We leave our sunlit dreamscapes and follow the silver thread of fate into the underworld, stitching our stories from our joys and our griefs, our small deaths and our many initiations.
In this one-day, 3-part event, participants will create their own 52-card oracle decks, using mythic images, their own stories, memories, and visions as muse. This is a life-scape oracle, a handcrafted, personal system of divination to be lovingly nested within any witch, seer, or maker’s toolbox.
These writing, oracle-deck creation, and word-witchery classes were prerecorded between 2020 and 2022. Because you get access to the full course immediately upon purchase, note there are no refunds for any reason and read our full policies HERE. If you have any questions, please reach out to us HERE.