The Hag School Staff
Danielle Dulsky
Witch - Storyteller
Danielle is a heathen visionary, painter, and word-witch. The author of Woman Most Wild and The Holy Wild., she teaches internationally and has facilitated circles, embodiment trainings, communal spell-work, and seasonal rituals since 2007. She is the founder of The Hag School, the lead teacher for the Flame-Tender Teacher Training, and believes in the emerging power of wild collectives and sudden circles of curious dreamers, cunning witches, and rebellious artists in healing our ailing world. As an Irish-American, Danielle’s witchcraft is deeply rooted in Celtic philosophy and Irish mythology. She believes fervently in the role of ancestral healing, embodiment, and animism in fracturing the longstanding systems supporting white-body supremacy and environmental unconsciousness, is committed to centering the voices and teachings of POC and LGBTQIA+ folks in her work as founder of Living Mandala Yoga, LLC and The Hag School and supports organizations and initiatives that do the same. She graduated from Arcadia University in 2004 with a degree in painting and has been making mischief and mixed-media art ever since. Parent to two beloved wildlings and partner to a potter, Danielle fills her world with nature, family, and intentional awe. Find her praying under pine trees, wandering through the haunted places, and whispering to her grandmothers’ ghosts.
Shine Blackhawk
Witch - Shaman
A wild-souled woman born to be the living antidote to the disease of tight-lipped secrets and too-tame conformity, Shine Blackhawk is a wise fox-woman with a snake-mermaid’s past. Her music and her magick is sourced from that bone-deep place of inherited knowing and ancestral power, from a spiritual potency that will not be ignored, and from a constant desire to both howl moonward and hiss into the mud. A Witch-Shaman, a Priestess, and a true weaver of words, Shine has a haunting presence and a poet’s tongue.
Selena Morresi
Death Doula + Grief Educator
Selena Morresi has always had a passion for learning and was a very curious child who loved to explore new ideas and activities. Selena has translated this passion into becoming a life long student and teacher. She completed her Bachelors in Psychology and later received a Masters degree in Public Health. Selena is Adjunct Faculty at West Chester University in the Health Department where she teaches courses on Death and Dying and Mental Health. She is a Reiki Master, certified Heath Educator and certified in Holistic Stress Management and emerging Death Doula.
Soviet Mercedes
Demon Whisperer + Money Alchemist
Soviet Mercedes is an international dominatrix and witch. She is known for speaking about world dynamics and ruthless demon slaying. Living in a world where most of the (subliminal) education is created to control us and keep us small, Soviet Mercedes feels it is important to know that you do not have to participate in that game (which you never signed up for anyway). She teaches how to recognize inner demons, saboteurs, and deep wants in order to shift the mindset toward pleasure, discernment, and fierce focus.
Ruchi Jain
Conscious Dance Teacher/Artist/Writer/Deep Seeker
Ruchi is all fire and water. With fire, she sees through the bullshit into the depth of any situation and into the light of every soul. With water, she swims through the wild waters of emotion. No water is too dark or murky, nor, too light to traverse. Her core message is that with the right support, anyone can heal any wound. She uses the tools of embodiment, body prayer, meditation, body work, and creativity to help heal. She teaches Soul Motion dance, is a Reiki Master, writer, and practices Jin Shin Do (acupressure).
Poet/Artist/Witch/Social Justice Educator
L. Rowan Crow, MSW (they/them) is a queer, genderf*ck, non-binary trans, poet, artist, witch, and social justice educator. Rowan's witchcraft, art, and work are all deeply personal, political, and inextricably intertwined. They are especially passionate about self-determination, pleasure, radical embodiment, strategic rebellion, mindful risk-taking, and divergent thinking. Rowan views non-ordinary states of consciousness as essential tools toward realizing individual and collective liberation.
Aïsha Zafirah
Crystal Priestess + Spiritual Alchemist
May you open your heart to the splendour of your soul. Aïsha’s offerings guide you into your shadow by journeying onto the unknown paths of your inner wild being and transforming that which does not support you in living your unique expression of soul in this lifetime. She is a scholar in Religious Studies, Western Esotericism & Mysticism, certified crystal therapist, yoga/yoga nidra teacher, mindfulness coach, and has been initiated as a High Priestess in Modern Witchcraft. While walking these shadowy roads through the work of spiritual alchemy, transformative body prayer, yoga, crystal magic, crystal singing bowls and sound healing, spellwork, witchcraft, mindset-and- manifestation magic, she will hold space for you to experience the core of your essence. You are a divine being, created for a magical life, and it is time to conquer your fears and live your dreams. Aïsha is an international witch with a nerdy brain for anything crystal related. A lover of digging deep into the ancestral lines, discovering and examining ancient Greek, Egyptian and Mesopotamian magical rituals and spells and sniffing out archaic power places on her travels. She is a custom-maker of rites and potions to bless you on your sacred journey.
Lynae Of-Howl
Breath + Song Witch
Hag School WoManager + Designer
A wise-crone witch, living in the body of a young mother. Lynae Marie, AKA ‘Wolf Mother’, is a moon-howling, shadow-dancing, skin-shedding ritualist. Her life path calling is as a space holder for embodied-transformation, through her Healing Arts + Sacred Activism offerings. She uses an infusion of breathwork, energy shape-shifting, song-weaving, ritual, personal mythwork and hand-crafting, to expertly guide wolf-hearts on their ‘process of becoming’. Lynae has been designing and facilitating ritual + womxn’s gatherings for more than 16 years, and her heart beats wild-blooded, righteous rage for the collective mother wound + maligned patriarchal culture. She further defined her offerings by training with Danielle Dulsky, of The Hag School, and now runs Danielle’s online collectives, as well as facilitating/teaching at retreats, online immersions and community gatherings. Lynae completed her Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula training, with the Center for Sacred Window Studies, and has trained with Daniel Foor, in Ancestral Lineage Healing. Her offerings are based in elemental wisdom, moon phases, ancestral grief work, folkloric witchcraft, yogic philosophy, sacred activism and intersectional feminism.
Lynae lives and breathes in Cold Spring NY, where she is Wolf Mother to two wild-thing children, and two strange felines. Find her in the forest, talking to trees, singing to faeries and attending the bones.
Matrilineal Healing Specialist + LCSW
For the past 15 years in her work as a LCSW, Suzanne has been watching, fascinated and riveted by people patterns—those that we develop in context of families of origin, religious and cultural imprints, neurobiological intricacies as well as epigenetics’ effects on development. After a particularly difficult post-partum recovery following the birth of her 3rd child, Suzanne found the Living Mandala School of Yoga, which prompted one of many awakenings in her life. Witnessing, experiencing and reveling in the power of gathering together with other women to support, gently challenge, and thereby empower others to begin their own unique work altered Suzanne’s personal and professional trajectory drastically. Walking in two worlds now, her dance with others consists of encouraging us both to look more deeply inside with the help of Western psychotherapeutic frameworks such as the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) theory from the practice of EMDR, Systems/Structural family therapy and the practice of genogram assessment of the individual, as well as examining our collective connection through the use of the Enneagram. Suzanne’s inner forest-loving witch influences her practice with others through recognition and embracing nature’s cycles within and without, and she strongly believes this work allows us to own and see the shadowy imprint of trauma on our inner life, which results in barriers to offering ourselves the inner compassion and love we desperately crave. Suzanne finds joy and gratitude in learning from each other’s stories and encouraging all to empower themselves to embrace their own, unique, inner Divine Nature; thereby making sense of the many patterns waiting just under the surface to be identified and transmuted.