Wilderness Guide Training — THE HAG SCHOOL
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The Heathen Imaginarium Wilderness Guide Training is a complete curriculum for working with the Heathen Imaginarium, a twelve-story journey from rebel to shapeshifter, and a guide to facilitating these journeys for others.

These are the days when only the strangest circles make sense, when the truest friends are those fellow freaks who really hear you when you say “I am changing,” and when the dreamworld speaks louder than the rational.

The Heathen Imaginarium is built from these peculiar bricks of myth, archetype, and dreamspeak, and the Wilderness Guide Training is for those who feel called to walk with others through the mud of memory, swim in the haunted seas of initiation, and seek sanctuary from the storms inside the bone-huts of personal myth, wonder stories, and ritual.

Please note that you do not need to have done the original Heathen Imaginarium journey in order to take and benefit from this training. The Wilderness Guide Training is filled with explanatory materials, videos and tutorials, as well as an opportunity to explore the original layout of the Imagainarium before you begin.

Visit the Heathen Imaginarium page, to see where it all began.




Once inside our strange classroom, you will receive:

  • You will be able to download and USE our Heathen Imaginarium graphics, images, and reels for promotional use of your own gatherings.

  • You will be given complete marketing language for creating your events.

  • We have assembled all the pieces you need, to generate your own heathen-income as a result of taking this training and obtaining all the materials herein.

Additionally, you will receive all our materials and content from the original Heathen Imaginarium, for your own enrichment or to be shared with others.

This includes twelve each of the following:

  • Visually stunning videos born from myth, muse and poetry for each archetype in the Heathen Imaginarium

  • Audio recordings of in-depth art rituals for each archetype

  • Sacred sigils (symbols) for each archetype and accompanying ‘sigil ritual’

  • Recommended altar-scapes for each archetype

  • Archetypal devotional song or chant for each archetype

  • Printable oracle spreads, writing templates, reflection questions, and resource lists

New Materials & Training Supplements Added Every Season:

  • Audio tutorials discussing how to adapt each archetype to your work, including virtual circles, covens, book groups, and in-person gatherings.

  • Additional group ritual and gathering outlines, including all needed prep, marketing language, outline and considerations to facilitate.

  • Supportive templates, suggestions for holding circles and more. Basically, we are always adding new and interesting things to support your work here.

  • Plus, Seasonal (optional) support calls for Wilderness Guides, with Danielle and Lynae. Please bring your facilitation questions to these calls!




TUITION COST for this training

Please note that because all content is fully and immediately downloadable, we do not offer refunds for any reason. Please read our full policies HERE. Have a question - email us HERE.




What was the Heathen Imaginarium?

The Heathen Imaginarium was a virtual “box” of muse, co-created by Danielle Dulsky and Lynae Of-Howl. Each box walked the participant through immersive virtual “chambers” of mythic poetry, visual story, art ritual, song, sigil-making, sigil-ritual, word-witchery and more. (The training includes ALL of this.)

There were twelve “boxes” in total, all rooted in a particular archetype and corresponding muse.

How can I use the Wilderness Guide Training?

This training is for anyone who feels called to dive deep into the Heathen Imaginarium. The training can be for personal development only, adapted to existing offerings such as ritual circles or covens, or used to create a new (strange, of course) sharing circles. The twelve “boxes” can be the source of themes, content, and reflective work for weekly, monthly, or seasonal gatherings, and these various adaptations are discussed in the training.




About the creators


Danielle Dulsky is a heathen visionary, painter, and word-witch. The author of The Holy Wild Grimoire, The Sacred Hags Oracle, Seasons of Moon and Flame, Woman Most Wild, and The Holy Wild, she teaches internationally and has facilitated circles, embodiment trainings, communal spell-work, and seasonal rituals since 2007. She is the founder of The Hag School and believes in the emerging power of wild collectives and sudden circles of curious dreamers, cunning witches, and rebellious artists in healing our ailing world. Parent to two wildlings and partner to a potter, Danielle fills her world with nature, family, art, and intentional awe. Find her praying under pine trees, wandering through the haunted places, and whispering to her grandmothers’ ghosts.

Lynae Of-Howl is a visual storyteller, design alchemist, and song-weaver. She is the Owner and Creative Director of Ritual Creative Co., offering consulting, education and 1-on-1 support to purpose-driven businesses, spaces, gatherings and ideas. She is Co-Founder of Web Weaving Womxn, resourcing female entrepreneurs in weaving their medicine onto the web. Lynae has been co-creating with Danielle and The Hag School since 2018, and is The Hag School Manager. She believes in connecting purpose-driven ideas with immersive visual storytelling and creating spaces that spark needed conversations and connection. Lynae can be found muse-crafting designs for gathering spaces, singing love songs to the moon, and walking the path of a single wolfmother, to her two wild children.


The Archetypes of the Imaginarium are: