witches of the word:

A Sharing Coven for Poets, Storytellers, and Word-Witches


May we uncork the dark-and-velvet stories they told us to keep bottled, tasting forbidden ferment on our tongues and staining the purity of the glowing page with our spilled secrets, pagan poetry, and blood-red initiations.

The Witches of the Word coven is a virtual (off-Facebook) community where writing meets witchcraft. Members receive weekly prompts that align with that moon’s theme, rituals for writers and storytellers, invitations to share their own work and/or reflect on each other’s writing, and writing tips/classes from word-witch and six-times-published author Danielle Dulsky.

When you sign up, receive immediate access to our current and previous projects: The “Eco-Lust Poetry Project,” “Rite Verses Prayer-Song Project,” "Moons of Mystery and Mayhem,” and “Songs from the Wolf Den,” “Songs of the Reaper-Woman,” + “Waking the Mist-Spirits”+ “Secrets of Old” + “Inner Shining One” + “Once Upon A Rising Moon” + three previously recorded writing classes with Danielle (The Heathen House of Becoming, Tongue of the Heathen Poet, and the Selkie’s Homecoming), and several writing prompt bundles including Poetry for the Dead and Writing in Tender Times.

Please note there are no live, virtual events in this collective.

the seer’s bone book

Our Winter 2025 project begins on the dark moon of December 29th and continues through the Spring Equinox. This is a collection of oracular poetry structured as a “spontaneous spiral,” a Celtic form of vision-work that allows the Otherworld to speak through the poet as they write. We will allow visions and predictions to strangely unfold through this process, inviting a particular prophecy for ourselves, our kin, and our world to come through for each of the 12 moons in 2025.

Poetry from the Underworld

Full Project Available Now When You Join

Our Autumn 2024 project began on the equinox and continued through Winter Solstice. This is a collection of 39 epitaphs, honoring our dead, our initiatory chapters, and laying to rest what no longer belongs.

Once upon a rising moon

Full Project Available Now When You Join

Our Summer 2024 project began just in time for Solstice. We worked with “spontaneous spiral poetry” to divine what comes, to see what we must see, and to charm a better world (for ourselves, our people, and beyond us) into being. Through the spontaneous spiral structure, we move closer to clarity, and each poem is an oracle in and of itself.

Inner shining one

Full Project Available Now When You Join

This collection of “odes” is dedicated to our bright shadows, with each poem both a charm and a spell for witching our shining desires into being.

Secrets of old

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We work with a cryptic acrostic structure, tucking hidden meaning into our poetry for the wild children of the future to someday find.

Waking the mist spirits

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Our Autumn 2023 writing project is a collection of “tritinas,” a form of structured, oracular poetry that allows the poet to move closer and closer to a knowing, to the hidden wisdom they hold and seek. This project begins August 2023 and goes until the end of November 2023.

songs from the reaper woman

Full Project Available Now When You Join

Our summer writing project for 2023 is “Songs from the Reaper-Woman: Hypnotic Hymns of Harvest, Hope, and Bone-Gathering.” Using a “spiral-in” structure common to oracular poetry, we weave memory, desire, and prophecy each week in a “hypnotic hymn” that orients us toward what must be seen, toward the word that wants to be written. This is our current project.

Songs from the wolf den

Full Project Available Now When You Join

Our “Songs from the Wolf Den” project began in February 2023 and ran through the end of May. This project is a “creaturely memoir,” a poetry and prose legacy book of a lupine life well-lived. Full project available now in our collective.

Eco-lust poetry series

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Poetry is the language of these times. When the world cracks open, our linear patterns of speech must also splinter to let the brilliance of wilder possibilities shine through. Our first project in our word-witchery coven is a series of thirteen poems mused by eco-lust, by those numinous moments when the sacred saw the sacred through our eyes. Receive immediate access to this entire project when you join.

the rite verses

Full Project Available Now When You Join

The Rite Verses: 29 Prayer-Songs for Initiation, Aching Times, and Waking the Wild Spirit. Each week, we write 2 or 3 prayer songs in our sharing coven using the prompts given. Join now to get access to this entire project.

Moons of Mystery and Mayhem

Full Project Available Now When You Join

Our Moons of Mystery and Mayhem: Oracular Poetry for a New and Wild Year is a compilation of prophetic poetry for each moon of the year. We open ourselves to the Otherworld, scry what comes, embody our inner seer-poet, and allow our wise and future self to speak through us. You are welcome (but never required) to share your work in our communal space.



There are no refunds for any reason. Join today to keep the $25/month price forever.

If you feel very called to join but cannot afford the membership fee, please email us HERE.
