Metaphysical Trainings


Welcome to the hag school

May we write the poetry of these tender times in the moonlit mud. May our hearts hum with an unnamed hope. May we take care. May we rest. May we light twin candles called prophecy and protection, and may we remember the ways of the void-dweller who seeks neither purity nor perfection, who claims no royal wisdom, who still sings at the sunrise, even and especially now.


Nested heart-side for many years between the ribs of a Witch, The Hag School was warmed slowly by meaningful conversations, humble drumbeats, countless councils, hard-mined stories, epic ceremonies, and curious excursions into the wilds of this wounded world.

This slow hatching allowed the Hag School’s programs to be co-created by the unanswerable questions, eternal quests, and deep longing we all feel during these tender times. Meet us on the fragile edge of wonder, in the portal between despair and awe, grief and gratitude, and we’ll build a communal fire there.

Read Our Emerging Vision.


 no more will I mutter my prayers in secret for fear of being called a wild-eyed one of the moon.

- The Holy Wild -
