Tales of the Money Spirit

from ‘The Demon’s Lair’ by Bara Queenbee

I had a meeting with the Spirit of Money, as I sometimes do. Her face was wrinkled and filled with emotions, while the life was visible running through her energetic veins. We sat down and had a cup of tea, going over the current state of affairs.

She expressed to me that she was sad. She was sad because people have turned their vision of her into a monster, named her as the reason for horrible acts, assigning her to many things, such as the reason greed exists, ascribing her to the virus called Capitalism.

False prophets who make false promises in her name.

Charlatans who spread lies about her where-abouts, attempting to force control on her movement.

Imposters who deceive those who have not been in contact with her, yet have fallen prey to the delusion that she is only for a selected few.

Creatures who have fear and scarcity so deeply rooted in them they hoard her representations and stagnate the one thing she likes best:

Moving. Flowing. Enabling the dance between different parties. Connecting. Expanding.

She continues with a gentle smile as she expresses how she just wants to move as she stands up, putting her hands in the air like a ballerina ready to perform on a stage.

As she dances she whispers to me the names of her Children, to us known as Cash, Digital Currency, and Debt.

Continuing her motion as she continues on with her movements and her story, she describes to me the days of when her Children were born.

The early beginning stages, merely formless and without shape, a representation in glitter form.

Energetic. Non-tangible.

Later as the children gained age and momentum, shaping their own characters and silhouette, sometimes influenced by external circumstances but, as time passed, always returning to their true selves, for the external factors were spread wildly with extreme differences in nature.

She continues her story as her flowing begins to display more and powerful movements. What an art to witness! What a performance!

Her children are a-moral, she proceeds.They do not operate within terms such as good and bad, nor do they perform within language barriers such as fair and unfair.
They merely exist in the dance people invite them to.

Some collective liars have invited Debt falsely into the homes of people, having the people stuck in pain and suffering like a carousel that never stops, turning it into a party of suffocation and punishment with no way out.

From there, more children were born. However, these are not my grand-children, she tells me.

Critters such as Poverty, Scarcity, Religion and Hope investing, attaching deeply to the spirits of these beautiful people that did not invite nor birth them.

What monstrosities have they turned into.

The critters, not the people.

Suddenly she stops her dance and looks me straight in the eye, her voice becoming soft but soundly affirming how she simply wants people to connect with her.

Practice using her name with Joy, such as all the other egregores and spirits do too.

She is not high maintenance nor does she require big offerings.
Participate in the combined dances with other spirits that bring her utter bliss.
She is not to be worshipped or adored, her joy existing in the movement, in conscious interaction between individuals, regardless of how big and small.

Pure movement and acknowledgement.

As her sparkly body slowly starts to dissolve and I realize our meeting is coming to an end today, she smiles at me and asks me if I will share the story of our meeting.

So here I am, sharing my story.

Her and I meet often, and there are so many more stories and nightmares to be shared but, for now, I’d love to invite you to meet Her.

Read more from The Demon’s Lair.

Bara Queenbee