Spell for Money

Intention: To call in money. Abundance is nice, but the electric company does not accept “abundance.” This spell is for money.

Materials: Writing utensil, ONE of the following: Either a check you have written to yourself for the amount you need and dated for when you need it by OR cash in a high enough amount that you value it but not so much it will cause you hardship to lose it (for some folks this is $5. Others might need $100 bill or more to feel the embodied sense of value for this bit of government paper), honey, an 8-12oz mason jar


  1. Discern a laser-focused intention for the amount you want and WHEN you want it. Your intention should be specific enough that you know when the spell has worked. Name your proof before you cast the spell, but be sure to name the what and not the how. Our linear brains will try to decide how you will get this, and that is the spell’s business; not yours. Know the what. Don’t worry about the how.

  2. Once you know the what, link it to an embodied feeling. This is how you ensure you don’t get that money because someone you love dies. Tie your what to a feeling of joy, gratitude, peace, power, etc. Feel it in the body and, ideally, low in the body. Root yourself in that feeling.

  3. With your materials close, cast a circle. You might use this method or another that’s in your practice:

    1. Face the North. Call your loving ancestors of the north, past and future, to come closer to your circle and witness you. To the north, to my ancestors, to the sacred energies of the Earth, I say welcome.

    2. Face the East. Call your loving ancestors of the east, past and future, to come closer to your circle and witness you. To the east, to my ancestors, to the sacred energies of the Air, I say welcome.

    3. Face the South. Call your loving ancestors of the south, past and future, to come closer to your circle and witness you. To the south, to my ancestors, to the sacred energies of the Fire, I say welcome.

    4. Face the West. Call your loving ancestors of the west, past and future, to come closer to your circle and witness you. To the west, to my ancestors, to the sacred energies of the waters, I say welcome.

  4. Envision the moment in time when the spell has come to fruition, when you have fully realized the what. Hold the tension of the vision AND the feeling you want to feel in that moment. On your check or paper money, “write it real” by describing this moment in ONE present-tense sentence. It is already happening. I have XX amount in my account OR The check is in my hand, etc.

  5. Read your sentence aloud and with conviction. If you can turn your own sentence into a chant, do it. If not, you might chant money, freedom, come to me. As I will, so shall it be! and fold the bill or check TOWARD YOU. Keep chanting as you place the check/bill inside the jar. Get louder and more forceful. Build the energy. If you feel called, raise the energy by chanting and moving (or drumming, or singing, or dancing). Raise the energy until your circle begins to feel full (usually about 20 minutes for a solitarily cast spell)

  6. Let your chant go quiet, pour honey over the bill/check, seal the jar, sit in the fruition of your spell. Return to the vision. Feel the feeling. Stay here for at least five minutes.

  7. Open the circle by offering gratitude to the ancestors and elements from West, to South, to East, to North.

  8. Place your hands on the ground. Breathe from low in the belly. Place your jar on your altar then try to go outside and “get some wind on your face” for as long as you were in your circle.

  9. Let it be.

Possible Additions: You might also add small energetic deposits of coins to this spell for nine days using a Fibonacci sequence, spiraling your coins around the jar (do not open the jar. The deposits go around the jar):

Day 1: After the spell is cast, after the jar is on your altar, add 1 deposit.

Day 2: Add 1

Day 3: Add 2

Day 4: Add 3

Day 5: Add 5

Day 6: Add 8

Day 7: Add 13

Day 8: Add 21

Day 9: Add 33

Lynae Of-Howl