We are the Living Poetry of Revolution.
We are the Ancient Songs of Lost Ritual and Heathen Forest Ceremonies.
We house the memory of stars under our skin. To embody the Holy Wild is to be mused by the moment and marked by the once-and-future hymns of the elements, the ancestors, and the eternal unseen. Our art is the cosmic expressing the cosmic, the primordial infinite coming into form through our voice and our vision, our music, our weaving, and our dance.
We create to let the Otherworld speak through us, and we create to become wholly present in the forbidden, to live outside of time if only for a few hours spent lost in the poet’s longing or the sculptor’s beauteous torment. We create to tell our secrets, to show our most grotesque monsters and exquisite angels to the world.

The Heathen Imaginarium is a Monthly ‘Virtual’ Subscription Box, Full of Extraordinary Kindling for Sparking and Feeding the Visionaries Fires.
Every Month you will Journey Through Virtual Chambers inside the Imaginarium, which Include Encounters with:
Strange Video Storytelling Art
Guided Art Ritual
Heathen Song, Breath or Chant
Archetypal Sigil + Moving Ritual
Exquisite Writing Templates
Musing Prompts for Creating Mythic Story
and Access to our Private Community
You will also be Invited to Participate in our Seasonal Virtual Meetings Inside the Hag’s Gallery.
Every New Moon, Your ‘Key’ to The Heathen Imaginarium will be Delivered to Your Inbox.
All Downloadable. Yours to Keep.
Each Box Focuses on an Archetype from Myth and Story, featuring our ‘Muse of the Month’.

“You will experience a myth or wonder story as you never have before, befriending that month’s archetype through poetry, visuals, and story.”
“You will etch the monthly archetypal sigil onto bone, stick, stone and mythic sealskin, before being given a musing ritual suggestion of where to conceal your symbol on nature’s altar.”
“You will be invited to move through a ritual for awakening your inner muse.”
“You will experience sound-weaving medicine of breath, song, whisper-chant and heathen chorus. Here is a place to be shrouded in healing sound, swooned by the serpentine muses, and serenaded by those singing ghosts who know you best.”
“You will draw from the archetypal inspiration sourced in other imaginarium rooms you visited and create your own “story” or artistic reflection of the archetype using the mapping and medicine provided.”
“You will be invited to integrate that month’s work, optionally sharing your creation with others in our (off-Facebook) Heathen Imaginarium Community.”